Bending Machine

Cold bends cast iron between 8x8 - 18x18
Cold bends flat iron between 10x8 - 40x10
Motor 2,2 Hp
Motor 1,5 Kw
Motor 380 V
With its pedals it is easy to use.
Iron Marking Machine (Small)

Marks 4 sides of profile iron between
20x20 - 60x60
Marks 4 sides of profile iron between
20x30 - 80x60
Marks filled cast iron between
10x10 - 30x30
Marks flat iron between 10x5 - 80x10
Motor 10 Hp
Motor 7,5 Kw
Motor 380 V
Has marking capacity of 6 m / 5 seconds.
Iron Marking Machine (Large)

Marks 4 sides of profile iron between
20x20 - 100x100
Marks 4 sides of profile iron between
20x20 - 80x100
Marks filled cast iron between
10x10 - 30x30
Marks flat iron between
10x5 - 80x100
Motor 20 Hp
Motor 15 Kw
Motor 380 V
Hasmarking capacity of 6 m / 5 seconds with its speed control unit. Need only one operator.
Horizontal Hydraulic Press Machine

Cuts cast iron between 0 and 20x20
Cuts flat iron between 0 - 40x10
Can be used in bending works
by changing moulds
Stroke : 40 cm Piston
Speed : 40 cm / s.
Motor 7,5 Hp
Motor 5,5 Kw
Motor 380 V
Tip Crushing Machine

Cold Crushesmould iron between 10x5 and 20x5
Hot crushes cast iron between 10x10 - 12x12
Hot crushes flat iron between 20x5 - 30x10
Motor 5,5 Hp
Motor 4 Kw
Motor 380 V
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